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Jacqueline Gandubert born Friedli in Fribourg, Switzerland. Attracted by poetry and visual arts, she began in 1967 by painting on porcelain. After several years of Parisian life from 1971 to 1974 where she was initiated into the art of visual arts, she started with oil painting, then pastel, and soon specialized in the art of watercolor. From then on, she never stopped improving her art with passion: art history, study tours, workshop, watercolor, oil, drawing, modeling, sculpture on stone. She has conducted academic drawing sessions for many years.
Since 1985, she regularly exhibited in galleries in Switzerland and abroad with great success. She received the Gold Medal at the Salon International des « Créateurs du Siècle » d’Art Inter-Dijon, 2002, in the "Watercolor" category (see document)

Jacqueline Gandubert is an artist who has mastered with elegance the art of the snapshot, of the fleeting moment, by subtly modulating the colors. Her compositions invite us to fully appreciate the qualities that make up the delicate charm of watercolor; her landscapes, often imaginary, suggest the intangible, ephemeral, pure poetry, the dream becomes an ode to the dialogue between shadow and light, between heaven and earth. Result of an inner quest, her body of work conveys a sense of fullness carried by a discreet and warm lyricism.

"Tempted by the big leap towards abstraction, some watercolors are on the brink of the absence of subject. But the subject gradually reappears as if nature remained a sovereign immutable. " Jacques Biolley, painter, writer.

"Some works invite us forcefully to switch on the side of silence and wonder. Just take some time and stop. Just say yes and follow step by step an artist that I would call a "conveyor of dreams."
Jacques Biolley, painter, writer (excerpt from his presentation at the Passage Expo de l’HCF in 2006)

"Jacqueline brings us back to basics, to the Essence of Heaven (approximate translation from « Essence Ciel » in french). Here we are liberated from our gravity by the grace of the Beautiful. "
Jacques de Coulon, philosopher (except from his presentation at la Galerie l’Eclaircie in 2008)

In recent years, she devoted herself to intuitive oil paintings. This method received from Patricia Carron, allowed for a beautiful transformation. She now teaches this pictorial approach with great joy to small groups of people, and accompany them on the path of inner discovery to meet their creative potential. (See: )

Jacqueline Gandubert - Friedli teaches watercolor and drawing, organizes
outdoors workshops in France (Provence, Bretagne) and Switzerland.
Chemin du Verger 42 - 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne - 026 402 28 59

-a visit to workshop is always possible by appointment

-Prices of works on request by e-mail :  or  0041 26 402 28 59
